Shannon Miller


Shannon Miller, Photograph. Courtesy Oklahoma Hall of Fame Archives.

Profession: Seven-Time Olympic Medalist

Hometown: Edmond

Inducted: 2017

After receiving a trampoline as a child, Shannon Miller's parents enrolled her in gymnastics, beginning her career of inspiring others. Miller's strong work ethic made her a talented athlete, and she eventually became one of the world's most celebrated Olympic gymnasts. Following her Olympic career, Miller received degrees in entrepreneurship and law before founding the Shannon Miller Foundation and the Shannon Miller Lifestyle company to advocate for women's and children's health.

Shannon Miller's record-breaking athleticism and work in health advocacy has inspired people around the world. In 1986, Miller attended a gymnastics training camp in the Soviet Union for two weeks where she met coach Steve Nunno. Noticing her talent, Nunno invited her to join his team, the Dynamos. Miller went on to be selected for the U.S. Olympic team in 1992 and 1996. A true athletic pioneer, Miller won 3 bronze, 2 silver, and 2 gold medals across competitions. At the time, it was the most medals won by any U.S. athlete in any sport. In recognition for her achievements, she became the first female athlete to be inducted into the Olympic Hall of Fame, twice. Today, Miller is a champion for women's and children's health after successfully beating ovarian cancer. She launched the Shannon Miller Foundation and her company, Shannon Miller Lifestyle, to promote health, fitness, and the end of childhood obesity.

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